Monday, December 4, 2006

Worship Camp

In my last post I had mentioned starting a Worship Camp. Right now I am struggling to come up with a vision and goals. So I am working right now on exactly what this camp would look like.
My desire was not to be like all the other Christian Camps out there. I have been to a few different Christian Camps, even worked at one for a little bit. And for the majority the focus really was on having a good time. I mean there was worship and Biblical teaching being done, but for the most part it was just a good time for Christians to come and hang out. I desire to be part of a camp where the focus is on equipping the believer to be radical disciplmakes for Christ. I desire it to be a place where people can come and spend a whole week or weekend praising and worshipping the Creator, and learning how to be an effective and affective witness for Christ. I want it to be a place where believers are faced with a choice. Either I get serious about what I say I believe and begin to live it out, or to turn away. I lived an extremely lukewarm life growing up. And looking back at who I said I was and who I "really" was I was appalled by my hypocrisy. What I needed was to come to the point in my like where I either followed wholeheartedly after Christ or I turned away. God is not interesed in Christians who want to follow only when it is convinient for them. This is my vision, to see a place where churches can come as a congregation and get so totally sold out and fired up for Christ that they go an witness to their entire community. My desire is to see children come and even at an early age come to the realization that they are part of something so much bigger than themselves and that life ultimatley is about their relationship with the Almight Creator of the Universe.
This is the vision that God has given to me. Whatever happens I pray that it is never about me, but always about the one that I follow. Jesus Christ needs to be the focus of all that we because even in ministry it can so easily become about us. I pray, God, that I will always keep you first in my walk and in my life.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good vision buddy, I will be praying for ya!