Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Church...I guess

Here I go a new post...I know it is crazy right!?!?!?! So I just got back from spring break in MI. It was great, seeing the relatives seeing the old houses and neighborhoods. It was good. I enjoy reminiscing and my grandparents were all too willing to assist me in my ponderings. However, it was enjoyable. We went and saw 300 this past week. With the exception of a few scenes, it was a great movie. My wife did not appreciate it so much but hey I watch chick flicks all the time with her...right???
Anywho...in my last post I hinted at some of my disgust with the local church. For anyone who knows me knows my feelings on the church and where it is heading. But lately I have been getting a backlash of restrictions and general "rules" for worship that I am to follow in preparing a worship service. It has just been frustrating because, as I have said before, the church loves comfort. Whatever makes people feel comfortable and happy is a good thing. Whatever makes people feel uncomfortable and unhappy is a bad thing. I, on the other hand, believe that the church has reached such a point of comfort and contentment that we are not living the life of disciples for Christ, but rather we have begun to live for ourselves with church as a nice little place to make us feel good about ourselves. True, you will hear challenges and convictions preached with words from a pulpit, but when are those words backed up by true Christian living?? Where is the accountability and actions that the words of Scripture should generate?? I digress...back to my story, I was asked by some of the leaders of the church to be careful with what I say and what is sung because some of the things that I do make people uncomfortable. See, I believe that people should be challenged, and with the way that my church specifically is living...there need to be some drastic changes. But...noooo we need to keep people happy and content in order to have a happy church. I want people to be willing to step out of their comfort zone in little things such as style, with how we look at worship, and how we worship. People are so set in their ways that because we let them get away with staying comfortable in the little things, they have no desire to step out of that comfort in major things such as Christian living.

Anywho...I need to stop ranting. I do not want anyone to misinterpret what I am saying. I am not aiming to judge, and I am not trying to be self-righteous. I am just expressing my frustrations with the inability of the church to act on what it believes and to live out what it says it holds to. I believe that alot of the blame rests on the church because the church has not forced people to make a stand because faith without the proof is worthless. Churches have allowed people to come in and out of the doors without being forced to be accountable in their lives. This is why churches cannot accomplish things; it is because we allow leaders to come up whose priorities are not Christ-centered.
Again, there are some churches that are doing just that, they are ministires on fire for Christ and there is strong accountability and a firm desire to follow after the things of God. But many churches are being reduced to merely a social event once a week.

Ok enough with that. I do not want anyone to think I am bitter young man. I am not, I love the people in my church I love to minister and I love to worship; it is just my heart to see more people on fire for what they believe and not just be hearers only.

OK... this is getting long and people have probably stopped reading by now...oh also I have begun to rethink my position on the "sign gifts". You know; tongues, miracles, prophesy and the like. I am not so sure that I believe that they have ceased any more. I am beginning to think that perhaps they are still alive and able to be used but we have shut even that thought out of our minds because we see the fakeness of the charismatic movement and we do not even want to be associated with that. Anyway, that wilil have to be another post...ya next post I will try to show from Scripture combined with current events to show that perhaps we might be wrong about these gifts....I hope my school or church is not reading this!!! haha

Thats about it, oh my brackets have been quite off this year unfortunatley. I am in a pool to win a PS3...but I do not think that is going to happen...haha, oh well I will still watch because I just love college basketball!!!

Alrighty....I am out!


steve said...


I read your post and feel your frustration. However, forcing people to face their guilt is not going to change them it will only push them away.
Remember these three truths about people:
"People do what they want to do."
"Perception is reality to the one perceiving"
"People seek significance" Needed-Known

I cannot post it but maybe check out my blog: "You cannot change people" This may help you better understand.

Derrick said...

Thanks for the post I replied on your blog.

Sara said...

I'm so proud of you... you posted!

I leave a comment only to say: keep questioning, keep pushing. I am at a point in my own life where I admit I actually have very few of the "answers"... issues have opened up into a world of "maybes" and "what ifs" as opposed to the dogmatic black-and-white lines I used to allow to dictate my life.

I am realizing more and more that Christ's mandate to us was not a list of rules, dos and don'ts- it was rather to LOVE. Show his love to others. Show compassion, mercy, and grace. To love those who refuse to love us back just as fervently as those in your own family.

And that call, that call to love, is that life of "action" you were talking about.

Good thoughts, Derrick- keep 'em coming!

btw- I will be in Michigan June 4-16, minus a day or two coming and going when I'll be at my parents'. My husband won't be there, but I would love to meet your wife!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.